War on Antifa terror, China’s global empire, locust plagues, and more
Massive trade deals with South America and Africa give Europe the resources it needs.
A modern German warlord, terror in Egypt, trade war, and more
Britain’s attack on Iran, Britain’s ‘deep state,’ Germany’s far right, and more
De koning van het zuiden (Hoofdstuk Twee)
A massive archaeological excavation has yielded further proof of Israel’s greatest-ever monarch.
The Jewish state is confident and strong, and for good reason. How long can the good times last?
Germany’s economic crisis, America’s debt threat, Boy Scouts of America under attack, and more
Trump-Ukraine ‘scandal,’ North Korea’s latest missile test, Austrian elections, and more
In the streets throughout nations across Asia, Europe, South America, the Middle East and elsewhere, mobs are demanding change. Will they get it?
Als u deze les leert, geeft het u hoop!
Italian politics, Hamas’s power plays, treason, and more
Germany’s secret space program, Russian invasions, Iranian gains in the Middle East, and more
The British ‘revolution,’ cyberwarfare, Iranian intransigence, Guttenberg’s return, and more
Iran’s nuclear deal violations, power struggles in Germany, Mexico’s cartel violence, and more
Iran hindert de Europese handel. Verwacht een stormachtige reactie.
Vijf miljoen kinderen in Syrië hebben hulp nodig; elke 10 uur sterft er een kind.
Iran’s terrorist mastermind is dead. What’s next for the Middle East?